Preparing Your Smoke Shop For 2025

Well it appears the fat lady has finally sung and we are all now staring down the barrel of new year once more. No matter how this year shook out, it's time to take 2024 out to the bin and throw it away with all the rest of your trash because 2025 is officially here and it’s not taking any prisoners.
That’s why today, Got Vape Wholesale wants to take a look at the blank slate that is 2025 to give you some pointers on how to take advantage of this year's promise and also direct your attention to a couple of ice burgs that lie in the waters ahead of us.
With the proper understanding of what 2025 holds for us, we can get a step ahead of the game to position ourselves in front of the ball and prime our businesses to cash in on the landslide of profits that new trends hold within.
Table of Contents:
New Federal Laws
The Shifting Sands Of State Laws
A.I. Integration In Retail
The Next Big Things
Mushrooms In 2025
Wax Pens In 2025
The Dominance Of Minimalistic Designs
Increased Focus On Sustainability
The Smart Vape
Start The 2025 Countdown
New Federal Laws
First on the docket for 2025 we want to address the elephant in the room - a new administration is coming into the White House and with that there are bound to be some changes to the laws regulating vaporizers, CBD products, mushrooms, and tobacco products.
The most important thing you can do is simply follow along with the changes and make sure to adjust your business accordingly. Any new laws will be announced months in advance in order to give you plenty of warning to adapt to them. For extra help, we are going to be following along to see if there are any changes to our industry and give you the tips on how to handle them.
Don’t lose sleep over potential changes, instead focus on running your business as best as you can and simply deal with any new rulings as they come. Remember the industry will adapt and figure out how to thrive just as always, plus some changes may even give us a boost!

The Shifting Sands Of State Laws
Following up with the aforementioned legal heads up, with a new year also comes new legal challenges and amendments from the 50 states themselves. It’s important to follow along closely for your own state, as you don’t want to be the only one late to the party and stuck with products that you can no longer legally sell.
For instance we have an impending ban of disposable vapes in the state of New Jersey that was recently approved with a unanimous 45 - 0 vote in the state assembly. With zero dissenting voices, this means that the powers at be are really gunning for items like disposable vaporizers and have a rather united view on this issue.
Importantly the law stipulates that shops will be able to sell off the stock they have before the law goes into effect. This means that if you are located in NJ, you should attempt to move your products before the ban is in place and you are left holding the bag.
They say that everything is bigger in Texas and unfortunately that adage holds true for the hurdles that hemp must get over in order to be seen as a legitimate market. This is because the Lieutenant General of Texas has announced their intention of stamping out the legal hemp / CBD market that was created with the 2018 Farm Bill by banning the sale of all forms of THC - even those with less than .3%.
A.I. Integration In Retail
We know what you're thinking, “A.I.? Sorry poindexter but I run a smoke shop, not a computer shop” and we agree with you! Trust us, we never thought that A.I. tech could help with running retail sales, but as this technology evolves we are seeing more and more tools that could potentially help boost sales and provide otherwise unobtainable information.
New tools are coming out today that are able to analyze your shop's foot traffic and provide you with a new layout of your store that would optimize sales. While some of these things used to seem like sci-fi, they are slowly making their way into the hands of civilians such as ourselves.
Additionally, with the tech becoming more and more available it's only a matter of time until A.I. finds its way into vaporizers via adaptable sessions and more. Got Vape Wholesale is going to be keeping an a-eye on all things retail / vape A.I. over the coming year in order to keep you up to date, but for now it's important to be aware that these things are coming.

The Next Big Things
While attempting to read the future is a fool's errand, instead think of our thoughts as more of a hypothesis of what we believe will be successful based on all of our available experience and sales numbers.
That’s why we want to point out mushroom products, wax pen vaporizers, minimalist aesthetics, and an increased focus on sustainability (though not necessarily in the way you think) as areas poised to absolutely explode in popularity in 2025.
Mushrooms In 2025
Let’s just say in 2025 mushrooms aren’t just going on burgers, but instead into the hearts of customers across the country as these all natural products experience their time in the sun.
While legality for the full gambit of mushrooms remains out of reach, we are seeing an increase in acceptance for their currently illegal versions to be used in medical studies. Just like with other all natural plant materials, the first step to legalization will always be led by the medical community as they get real data and metrics on how these products can help people.
Because of this, we believe that 2025 is going to be the year of the Mushroom derived products as public opinion continues to open up to these types of items. That’s why starting to explore the world of mushroom products is an excellent idea to keep your shop competitive and poised to hop on the emerging mushroom trends like the popular edible gummies we see today.
Wax Pens In 2025
The second area of products we wanted to direct your attention to is those that deal with concentrates and are commonly referred to as wax pens. These vaporizers are able to handle raw wax materials to offer customers a more potent, customizable, and intense experience than those available through cartridges.
In 2025 we will see the technology required to vaporize concentrates continue to get smaller and smaller, while the number of companies releasing these vapes only grows. Take a look at the Puffco Pivot or Lookah Ant to see just how advanced we got in 2024 and get ready for even more devices like these to fill the market's desire for pure wax vapor hits on the go.
Keep your eyes open for all concentrate / wax pen drops in 2025 because having these in stock is going to be a huge boon to your profits.
The Dominance Of Minimalistic Designs
One important trend that we want you to be aware of in 2025 is the rising customer desire for vaporizers that don’t just function well, but look the part. We are seeing vaporizers across the board leaning towards more minimalistic designs with sleek exteriors in matte colors such as black or grey.
Take a look at one of the most popular brands out there today with Puffco. They are currently on a meteoric rise thanks to not just their quality products, but due to the universally minimalistic style they use across all products from the Peak Pro to the Pivot.
In what we can call the “apple-ization” of the vaporizing industry, the success of companies like Puffco and Focus V has created the association in customers' minds that products that resemble these modern designs are inherently quality.
While other vapes can offer similar functions, customers are being drawn to these aesthetically modern looking devices the same way they preferred Apple Products due to their very similar sleek, rounded design.
Expect more products to lean into this style in 2025 and be on the look out for new products that emerge so you can capitalize on them while they're hot. All of this is in service of making your smoke shop appeal to the modern vaper to ensure you aren’t left in the dust by the other shops who already got this aesthetic message.

Increased Focus On Sustainability
Contrary to popular thought sustainability isn’t just meant in the green way, it also refers to products that stand up to the test of time and are not working today, broken tomorrow. Incidentally, when products are sustainable in this method they are also benefiting the environment via less trash generated.
This means avoiding picking up sub par vaporizers and batteries - even if they may come at bargain bin price points because when something seems too good to be true, it usually is.
Luckily, all of the products that we stock at Got Vape Wholesale have been chosen specifically because of their sustainability and longevity. Making your customers happy is how you get them to return, not by selling a vape that only works for a week. By giving your shoppers quality choices, you are making a sale while simultaneously building their trust in your shop.
The Smart Vape
First we had the smart phone, then the smart TV, and now finally we have the smart vape - but what exactly does this mean? Well in reality all it means is that vaporizers are incredibly having features such as OLED screens with session info, increased control over voltages with more of an emphasis on incrementally adjustable options, and blue tooth connectivity.
While the most common type of vaporizer used to be a no frills pen style, with the advances in tech and the universalization of these “smart vape” functions we are seeing more and more vaporizers releasing that lean into this niche.
The other bonus of this trend is that we are seeing more smart vapes at affordable price points, giving you a huge in to provide your customers with elite tech all for the same price as what they’d pay for an old pen vape.
Additionally, as smart vape tech becomes more and more popular, customers are going to be less interested in products that don’t have these features. While pens will always be a high seller, make sure that you take this into consideration when stocking up next.
We are going to keep you updated on all of the brand new smart vape drops, so make sure to check back here throughout the year to stay up to date on all the new releases.
Start The 2025 Countdown
Now with your mind expanded to consider all of the new trends and disruptions that are going to arrive in 2025, it’s time to start making changes and preparing for the new year!
The most important thing is to know that these changes are on the horizon, so now it comes down to playing smart for the next couple of months to set yourself up for a phenomenal year.
Got Vape Wholesale is going to be with you every step of the way, so no matter what comes up we will be compiling all of the latest trends and our advice in our Vaporizer Blog right here. Take a look at our recent articles on the top dual use vaporizers and best CBD Vapes to have in your shop right now!
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