Buyer Beware! Amazon Hemp Gummies Are Blatant Fraud

Since the dawn of time there has always existed an easier option with a hidden catch. From magic beans with a tendency to grow all the way to the sky, to snake oil salesmen in the wild west, the age old tale of saving a dollar only to pay with your entire fortune are as common as the day is long.
Considering this, when we recently went on Amazon we could not help but notice the site has as many hemp gummies for sale as fleas on a junkyard dog. With bargain prices and milligram totals in the millions, what could possibly be wrong with these hemp gummies?
A lot. Turns out a whoooole lot is wrong with them. That’s why for this Got Vape Wholesale Briefer we wanted to make sure that you are aware of these products on Amazon and know why you should avoid them like your ex that had a penchant for eating head cheese and liverwurst sandwiches before date night.
Table of Contents:
Does Amazon Allow the Sale of CBD Products?
How Are They Allowed To Sell These?
What Are Amazon's Hemp Gummies?
Why You Should NOT Sell Edibles Bought From Amazon
Sick Customers
Death By Lawsuits
Legitimate Medical Needs
How Can I Avoid Buying Fakes?
What Options Does Got Vape Wholesale Have?
In Conclusion: Beware and Be Smart!
Does Amazon Allow the Sale of CBD Products?
No! Amazon has a blanket policy that they do not sell any CBD products, they explicitly prohibit any third party sellers, and according to them do not sell CBD.
So why then when I type “amazon CBD gummies” into google search does not one, not two, but hundreds of different brands show up?
Because in reality they actually do sell CBD gummies. Despite their clearly stated rules they blatantly allow these companies to pop up and sell their CBD on the site.

How Are They Allowed To Sell These?
Amazon is able to keep these listings up because the sellers labeled their gummies as “hemp” instead of “cbd”. I know, some real geniuses at work in Amazon’s consumer protection department, how could they ever combat this?
As the origin of Amazon was them coming in, undercutting local stores, and then subsequently driving all of the competition out of business entirely - they have been left with no natural predators and are now destroying the environment much like an unruly deer population.
The truth is that Amazon does not care about their customers, they only care about the cut that they get from the sale. Thus they turn a blind eye to all of the fake or illegal gummies being sold on their site because there is truly no one to tell them not to, these criminal listings are not by accident, but instead by design.
What Are Amazon's Hemp Gummies?
So, if they can’t be CBD what are they? Well when you look at bottles that have titles like “natural hemp gummies 2,000,000mg XXL” your alarm bells should immediately start ringing.
Never in the history of mankind has two million milligrams of ANYTHING been real or good, it's the type of number that would trick fools, which unfortunately happens to be a lot of customers.
According to a recent study completed by the CBD Oracle they tested 56 brands from Amazon and found that “⅓ contained CBD - some contained THC - almost ½ didn’t contain hemp at all”.
The findings are incredibly eye opening as they implicate that Amazon has zero control over what is sold on their site, that they allow the sale of illegal items, and even violate their own company terms with their own site.
This is the type of corporate malfeasance you’d typically find in an 80’s movie, but unfortunately for us this is very much real and there is no jacked sweaty muscle man to save us all. Instead, we have to use our wits and be aware of the dangers that are out there.

Why You Should NOT Sell Edibles Bought From Amazon
While this will be a foregone conclusion for some of you, we would like to reiterate that you should not under any circumstances sell the gummies that are on Amazon.
Why should I care, you may ask? Because logic says if Amazon is doing this, shouldn’t we follow suit? No, because unlike Amazon you are not a faceless omnipotent corporation, you are one person with a physical address and a very real bank account that can be depleted.
To help scare you straight, we put together a couple of realities that can unfold should you decide to stock these fraudulent items in your shop.
Sick Customers
First amongst your worries should be that since there is so much included in these edibles that we don't know about, that there is a potential for customers who consume these gummies to get sick and feel unwell.
This can range from simple ailments like stomach aches and nausea, all the way to the point of having to call an ambulance due to feeling so unwell.
While the chances of something catastrophic happening are indeed low, it shouldn’t be understated that it could happen to your shop. No one expects to get struck by lightning, yet around 270 people in the US do each year.
So avoid the risk of making someone ill and avoid these easy cash out options like they are the plague, it will absolutely help you in the long run.
Death By Lawsuits
Unless your kink is receiving financially crippling lawsuits from faceless suits, then we recommend that you keep on the straight and narrow by avoiding these Amazon sold hemp gummies despite the cheap prices.
This is because when you stock these items you are opening your shop up to be liable in lawsuits that could potentially cripple your business. If someone did get sick like we mentioned before, since they procured them from your shop you will be on the hook for explaining why.
Unfortunately many of the companies on Amazon are not going to be able to be reached, that’s because many of them are “pop up” shell sellers that show up to sell, get shut down, then rinse and repeat to do the whole scam again.
That means you are the sole person that they are going to be able to pin this on and even if you end up winning the case the profits on these cheap alternatives are just not worth the risk.

Legitimate Medical Needs
For the most part customers that come for CBD are going to be interested in the recreational aspect of the gummies, but many are seeking it out for necessary medical aid. The specific chemical makeup of CBD has reportedly helped patients deal with pain and other ailments.
That means if you stock up on these knock off hemp edibles, someone who is coming in to get their regular pain medication may be left high and dry. This could lead to them experiencing severe pain and potentially even point them towards highly addictive painkillers.
Whether you know it or not, some of your customers absolutely rely on your shop consistently having hemp derivatives in stock to get through their daily routines. You owe it to them to only be getting the most legitimate and trusted hemp derivatives.
How Can I Avoid Buying Fakes?
The easiest and best way to avoid buying any of these fraudulent edibles is to get your wares from a trusted wholesaler or from a vetted company you’ve spoken to directly.
This is because at Got Vape Wholesale we make sure to vet all of the companies that we stock, so in effect we are doing the safeguarding for you. No matter what you get on our site you know that we can back it up and have the receipts to prove the legitimacy of everything.
Instead of dealing with a seller that has no physical location, Got Vape Wholesale is a true to life company with a real brick and mortar warehouse! We are not a blink and they are gone enterprise, which is why we recommend using us instead of putting yourself up for risk.
What Options Does Got Vape Wholesale Have?
So what do we have to bring to the table? A whole boat load of awesome, legal, and most importantly 100% real CBD edibles on sale right now.
One of our best selling options is the Galaxy Treats 200mg D9 Gummies! These are from the tried and true brand Galaxy Treats and are available in both 200mg and 500mg doses so you can either scale up or down depending on your customer base.
Also from Galaxy Treats is the higher powered Moon Babies 2,500MG D8 Gummies with their potent hemp derived D8 coming in three different delicious flavors; bluerazz rocket, razzleberry limeade, and starberry!
A recent release, the Hidden Hills 1000mg Fresh Frozen Gummies 30pk are a phenomenal option to choose from as the brand Hidden Hills has been around the block and knows exactly how to do hemp derivatives right.
The box set comes with 30 individual packages of Fresh Frozen Gummies, so grabbing one of these is a great way to make sure you have enough for a rush. The hemp Hidden Hills uses is 100% USA grown to ensure safety is taken seriously and the company itself is based out of Southern California with a small team of passionate individuals.
Another excellent option available online at Got Vape Wholesale is the Kush Kolectiv D8 Gummies Extra Strength as they are a tasty trusted choice that is available in both 250mg and 500mg varieties to appeal to a variety of different customer interests.
The Delta 8 used by the Kush Kolectiv can be 100% trusted and is fully compliant with all US federal guidelines in order to make them a risk free option for your CBD inventory.
In Conclusion: Beware and Be Smart!
Now that you have the heads up, avoiding these products is going to be much easier and you can also let any other shop owners know that they should be skipped. This will help reduce the negative impact these fake edibles can have and help boost the image of our industry as a whole.
So make sure that you are doing right by your customers and always go the extra length to make sure that what you are selling is completely legitimate, it will make you more money in the long run and build your reputation amongst shoppers.
For more industry takes, investigations, and commentary - make sure to check out the rest of our postings here at the Got Vape Wholesale Business Blog!
Recent postings have ranged from finding the best high risk credit card processor for your shop all the way to how to boost your profits by using feng shui interior design!
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